Woonona Public School

Staff, students and the community working together cooperatively.

Telephone02 4284 4316


Stage 2 Excursion - Science Space Wollongong

Science space wollongong logo

View further information: We are very excited to inform you that at the beginning of Term 2, Stage 2 will be visiting the Wollongong Science Space on Thursday 1 May 2025 (first week in Term 2). This excursion has been planned to reinforce content taught in science this year.

On the day, students will arrive at school at their normal time (between 8:30am and 9:00am). They will then have half an hour with their classes to have munch and crunch before departing the school grounds at 9:30am. Students and teachers will be taking a bus to and from the venue. We will be returning to school at approximately 1:15pm. Therefore, students will be having lunch back at school and pick up times will be as normal (3:00pm).

The cost of the excursion is $24.00 per student. This includes transport, access to the venue and a tour of Science Space by an expert guide.

Students must wear their full school uniform with either school shoes or joggers. Children will need to bring water and their recess and lunch in a small backpack.  There will be no opportunity to buy anything so students will not require any money. In the event of rain, the excursion will still go ahead. There will be no canteen orders accepted on the day.

Staff attending the excursion include Mrs Bleeker, Mr Arrighi, Mr Samuel, Mrs Ney, Miss Chesher, Mrs Bugg, Mrs Smith and Mr Dixon.

Please complete the online School Bytes permission slip and make payment by Friday 4 April.


Mr Dixon

Stage 2 Science Teacher