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Staff 2025

Staffing of our classes this year will be as follows:
- KB Mrs Alanah Barnaby (Mon, Wed, Thurs and Fri) & Mrs Holly Vella (Tues)
- KS Mrs Laura stewart
- K-1G Ms Rebecca Gibson
- 1B Ms Helen Bailey (Mon-Thurs) & Mr Steve McGee (Fri)
- 1F Mrs Brooke Frages
- 1L Mrs Lauren Lawlor
- 2B Mrs Jackie Boyd
- 2L Mr Tristan Loosemore (Mon, Tues, Wed and Fri)
- 2L Mrs Holly Vella (Thurs)
- 2C Mr Robbie Coso
- 3-4A Mr Michael Arrighi
- 3-4N Mrs Louise Ney (Mon-Thrs) & Mr Daniel Dixon (Fri)
- 3-4S Mr Ben Samuel
- 3-4C Miss Rebecca Chesher
- 3-4B Mrs Amanda Bleeker (Mon-Wed) & Mrs Katrina Bugg (Thurs-Fri)
- 5-6A Mr Matt Argaet
- 5-6B Mrs Melanie Beckinsale
- 5-6P Ms Emma Phillips ( Mon, Tues, Thu and Fri) & Mrs Holly Vella (Wed)
- 5-6H Mr Darcy Heffernan
- 5-6L Mrs Lauren Lockyer
- 5-6T Miss Shania Tyrrell
The following staff will be in supervisor roles:
- Mr Tim Fisher - Principal
- Ms Alison Strinic - Deputy Principal
- Mrs Alanah Barnaby - Relieving Assistant Principal - Early Stage 1 Supervisor
- Mr Tristan Loosemore - Relieving Assistant Principal - Stage 1 Supervisor
- Mrs Amanda Bleeker (Mon - Thurs) - Assistant Principal - Stage 2 Supervisor
- Mr Declan McMullen (Fri) - Relieving Assistant Principal - Stage 2 Supervisor
- Ms Emma Phillips - Assistant Principal - Stage 3 Supervisor
- Mrs Rebecca McLerie - Assistant Principal Curriculum & Instruction (K-2)
- Mr Declan McMullen - Assistant Principal Curriculum & Instruction (3-6)
The following teachers will provide various support roles:
- Ms Hayley Cheney - Learning and Support
- Mrs Edwina Smith - Learning and Support
- Mrs Angela Carroll - Library
- Mrs Holly Vella - Executive Release
- Mrs Sarah Rolfe - Relief from Face-to-Face
- Mrs Belinda Kotevski - Relief from Face-to-Face
- Mrs Nicole Partridge - Relief from Face-to-Face
- Mr Daniel Dixon - Relief from Face- to-Face
- Mrs Loretta Reid - School Counsellor (Mon, Wed & Fri)
The following staff will provide in class support:
- School Learning Support Officer - Ms Kirstie Seymour
- School Learning Support Officer - Mrs Roxy Dempsey
Administrative staff this year will be as follows:
- School Business Manager - Mrs Karina Curry
- School Administration Officer - Mrs Kim Davis
- School Administration Officer - Ms Sharlene Hodson
- School Administration Officer - Mrs Chris Belling
General Assistants this year are as follows:
- Mr Eric Seymour
- Mr Greg Innes
Library Days
Mrs Carroll will again be our Librarian in 2025. Library days will continue to take place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
Our professional, university-educated teachers encourage students to develop a love of learning and a desire to succeed. They maintain the highest integrity and concern for your child’s wellbeing.
The principal is responsible for the educational leadership and management of our school. If you would like to speak to the principal, please contact us to make an appointment.
Our school administrative staff can answer inquiries or direct you to the appropriate staff member for help.