Woonona Public School

Staff, students and the community working together cooperatively.

Telephone02 4284 4316


Uniform Shop

Uniform Shop

The school uniform is available to purchase from our uniform shop. 

The shop is run by the parents and citizens association (P&C). 

Second hand uniforms can be purchased through the uniform shop as well. Prices start from $2.

The uniform shop coordinators have advised that the sports shorts run large and the waist of the culottes are small.  Exchanges for incorrect sizes are available but please try on all clothes before removing tags.

How to purchase uniforms

The most efficient way of ordering your uniforms is through the online store.

Alternatively, if you wish to pay with cash, you can use an order form and return it to the front office.

  • Orders are filled weekly by our P&C volunteers and delivered to your child’s classroom for them to bring home. 
  • Caps are available to purchase from the front office for $16, cash only.

To contact the uniform shop, please email uniformshop@wppc.com.au
This email is monitored weekly during the school term. If you require more urgent assistance with uniforms, please contact the front office.


The uniform shop is run entirely by parent volunteers. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, please email the uniform shop or drop in and talk to one of the friendly volunteers. 

For more information, download the volunteer form (PDF 184.6KB).

Boys and Girls

  • Light blue, collared polo shirt with school logo on front left hand side.
  • Grey shorts/grey pants.
  • Girls may also wear grey culottes or the dress with red tie (summer) or tunic and red skivvy (winter).
  • Plain white socks for girls and plain grey socks for boys. Black shoes or plain black joggers for both.
  • Royal blue jumper or jacket with school logo on front left hand side.


  • Royal blue cap with school logo on the front

Please note: For safety reasons, studs, sleepers and watches are the only items of jewellery to be worn to school. Shoelaces are to be tied up in the usual way.

Sport Uniform

  • Red shorts or red culottes (Girls) available if ordered.
  • Royal blue polo shirt with school logo on front left hand side and Woonona screen printed across the back.
  • Plain white socks and sport shoes.

Winter Uniform

  • Light blue, collared polo shirt with school logo on front left hand side.
  • Grey pants.
  • Girls tunic and red skivvy.
  • Plain white socks or navy tights for girls and plain grey socks for boys. Black shoes or plain black joggers for both.
  • Royal blue jumper or jacket with school logo on front left hand side.

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