
Welcome to Woonona Public School.
Woonona Public School was established in 1882 and has a long, proud history of serving and working with the local community as a centre of educational excellence. The school’s motto, “learning and working together” typifies our everyday aspirations, where staff, students and the community come together to share a love of learning and growing together.
Primary school is an exciting time in a child’s life and it is our goal to make that journey, for both the child and their family, a fun, engaging and highly successful one. Students are given a diverse range of opportunities to connect, succeed and thrive from their first day at school, and leave Woonona Public School well positioned to succeed at high school and beyond.
Our core school values underpin everything we do at Woonona Public School, with students taught and encouraged to display respect, cooperation, effort and responsibility in every aspect of their schooling. It is the school’s strong belief that these values will not just create a successful student, but a high functioning and productive member of society and we work collaboratively to ensure students learn these values and utilise them in their daily life.
At Woonona Public School we are also firmly focused on embedding the globally recognised Visible Learning ethos in all learning. In essence, we want learning to be visible to students. Students are active and engaged in their own learning and are taught to see themselves as their own teachers. At the same time, our teachers are taught to see learning through the eyes of the student and to assist each student, every day and every lesson to plan the next step in their learning journey.
Students are always being asked to reflect on three key questions; Where am I? Where do I need to go? How will I get there? Students at Woonona Public School are shown that learning is a continual process, where once one skill is learnt, the next learning journey begins. This cycle is one that students embrace as they progress and grow.
There is also a strong focus on teacher professional learning and improvement. Evidence shows that the quality of the teacher and quality of the teaching matters. Teachers should always aspire to improve and the school provides a great depth of opportunities for its teachers to connect with learning that is specific to their needs and in line with the school’s direction. Our three key questions; Where am I? Where do I need to go? How will I get there? do not just apply to our students, but to our staff and the journey they take as educators.
Woonona Public School is proud of its reputation as a pillar of the community and a centre of educational excellence. It is something that is grounded in evidence-based research and is supported by strong processes that are continually being refined and reviewed each and every day for the benefit of each and every student. Your exciting educational journey at Woonona Public School is about to begin and we look forward to sharing this special time with you and your child.
Tim Fisher