The Woonona Public School canteen is run by Fresh Start Canteens.
The canteen is open Monday to Friday for recess and lunch and offers a healthy and affordable menu. Orders can be submitted at the canteen every morning before school starts and online ordering with Flexischools is available.
Canteen menu
Download the canteen menu (PDF 328KB).
Please note:
- Noodle cups are to be collected from the canteen if ordered
- Ice blocks and icy treats are to be collected from the canteen for recess and lunch orders
- Recess orders are to be collected from the canteen
- Please remember to write your child's name, class and what they would like clearly on the lunch bag
- Online ordering with Flexischools is preffered but orders can still be handed in with your child at the canteen
- Breakfast items cannot be ordered
Thank you
Fresh Start Canteens.
Online ordering
How to order lunch or recess from our Canteen
Flexischools has a great online system to make the ordering of lunches easier and more convenient:
- Order at a time convenient to you, in the morning, night before, or weeks in advance!
- No searching for paper bags, current menu or cash
- Order from home or work.
It’s so easy!
- Go to the Flexischools website
- Select 'Signup' to create account
- Registration is easy and free
- Top-up your balance
- Start ordering immediately.
If you do not have internet access, orders can be written on a paper bag with cash included and placed in the canteen tub in the classrooms each morning.
Over the counter cash purchases can also be made for certain products from the canteen at recess and lunch time.
Image:Example Lunch Bag