Woonona Public School

Staff, students and the community working together cooperatively.

Telephone02 4284 4316


Photo Day

MSP photograghy logo

Photo day is on Tuesday 4 March 2025. All family/sibling orders must be placed by midnight the day before photo day.

“I ordered photos last year”

You will have an account. Please follow the below link and sign in with your email address and previously set password. Use the ‘forgot password’ link if you cannot remember your password.

Once logged in, you will be able to add additional children/sibling packs.

“I did not order photos last year”

You will need to create an account. Please follow the below link and click the ‘sign in with Student Details’ button. Enter your child’s surname and date of birth to start creating an account.

Once logged in, you will be able to add additional children/sibling packs.

Preorder to receive packs at the bulk order rate. Orders placed after photo day will be charged at a higher price.
